Hammerhead Shark Bracelets

Hammerhead Shark Bracelets


NEW Hammerhead Shark Bracelets are made to order by hand in solid sterling silver and are available on a variety of adjustable paracord colors with sterling silver end caps

There are nine species of hammerhead sharks worldwide in the family Sphyyrnidae. The Great Hammerhead is the largest reaching a length up to 20 ft and weighing as much as 1,000 lbs! Three of these species are endangered - the great hammerhead, the winghead, and the scalloped hammerhead.

Some hammerheads travel in groups! Do you know what a group of sharks is called? A gam, herd, frenzy, school or shiver!

International Orders Please Note - There may be an additional customs charge upon parcel pickup

Cord Color:
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FB360DE5-B2C8-4C48-B495-DDB658AB550D-7668-00001D66AAD8D33D.JPG 425E11BD-E45E-48EE-86AF-29F1C2B16181-4770-0000015CBCFBA0D3.JPG

Whale Shark Bracelet

761E4276-2A6E-42BE-821D-706F9DF3F36F-97363-000004B963BCE803.JPG 513A9B27-B644-4738-836A-FA40CC3B5C29-31409-000002F573734CCD.JPG
Sold Out

Manta Ray Bracelet

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OCEARCH White Shark Bracelet on Adjustable Paracord

FINDING PHYSTY Bracelet 918FE539-3F04-4769-BF2D-299C67D4C0CA-20059-00000C087D707594.JPG


Manatee Bracelet 4BDCD61A-774A-49EF-B3A8-7A259C27EE34-6250-0000030A76A09732.JPG

Manatee Bracelet
